NoHungerHere Logo

NoHungerHere is designated at 501(c) (3) charity by the Internal Revenue Service. Your deductions are tax deductible. Tax Identification Number: 85-1645449

NoHungerHere is a non-profit organization working to bring fully prepared meals to hungry people in the North Bay. NoHungerHere responds directly to anyone who needs food. We believe that EVERYONE DESERVES A MEAL and every penny donated is used to buy food that we then make into ready to eat meals which are delivered to folks in need.
susanadler photography
NoHungerHere was started in April 2020 in response to its first project—preparing “togo” lunches for The St. Vincent de Paul Society (St. Vinnie’s) in San Rafael. St. Vinnie’s communal dining room was closed in March because of Covid-19. A team of volunteers created more than 5,500 meals with donated funds!
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